
Competency framework

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Introducing our Competency Framework Excel Sheet, a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to seamlessly integrate competency-based medical education into your Moodle learning environment.

Key Features:

  • Easy Configuration:
  • Bulk Import and Export:
  • Auto-Mapping to Activities:
  • Student Progress Tracking:
  • Assessment Analytics:
  • Competency-Based Grading:
  • Data Security and Privacy:
SKU: M000002 Categories: , ,


Moodle does not have a specific built-in competency framework. However, Moodle is designed to integrate with external competency frameworks, allowing institutions to align their courses and learning activities with competency-based education.

To implement a competency framework in Moodle, you would typically follow these steps:

  1. Define Competencies: First, identify the competencies or learning objectives you want to assess in your courses. These could be specific skills, knowledge, or behaviors that students should demonstrate by the end of the course.
  2. Create Learning Outcomes: Map the competencies to specific learning outcomes for each course or activity within Moodle. Learning outcomes should be measurable and observable statements describing what the students will achieve.
  3. Set Up Competency Framework: If your institution has an existing competency framework in an external system, you can integrate it with Moodle using plugins or APIs. Alternatively, you may manually create competency frameworks within Moodle by defining competencies and attaching them to learning outcomes.
  4. Map Activities to Competencies: Within each Moodle course, link the course activities (assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc.) to the relevant competencies or learning outcomes.
  5. Assessment and Evaluation: As students complete the course activities, assess their performance based on the mapped competencies. This could involve using rubrics or other assessment methods.
  6. Track Student Progress: Moodle allows you to track student progress and competency attainment through reports and analytics. This provides valuable insights into students’ competency development.
  7. Feedback and Improvement: Provide feedback to students on their competency attainment and offer opportunities for improvement if they haven’t yet mastered certain competencies.
  8. Competency-Based Grading: Consider using competency-based grading approaches where students progress based on their competency attainment rather than traditional grades.

It’s worth noting that the availability and functionality of competency frameworks in Moodle may have changed or improved since my knowledge cutoff date. I recommend checking the Moodle documentation or community forums for the latest updates and plugins related to competency frameworks in Moodle.

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