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Category: Medical competencies
C8: Patient-Centered Care
Patient-Centered Care is a core competency in medical education that emphasizes the importance of placing the patient’s needs, preferences, and […]
C7: Lifelong Learning
The “Lifelong Learning” C7 competency is a fundamental aspect of medical education and the practice of medicine. It refers to the commitment and ability of physicians to engage in continuous learning and professional development throughout their careers.
C6: Teamwork and Collaboration
Teamwork and collaboration “C6” are essential competencies in the medical field, emphasising the ability of healthcare professionals to work effectively as part of an interdisciplinary team. As medicine becomes more complex and multidisciplinary, the importance of teamwork in delivering high-quality patient care has grown significantly. This competency involves several key elements:
C5: Critical thinking and problem-solving
Critical thinking and problem-solving competency is a fundamental skills that medical schools aim to develop in their students.
C4: Communication
Communication competency is a critical skill for individuals in various fields, including healthcare, business, education, and many others. In the context of healthcare, effective communication is an essential attribute for healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, therapists, and administrators. It refers to the ability to exchange information, ideas, and emotions with patients, their families, and other…
C3: Professionalism
Professionalism is a critical competency for medical students and physicians, encompassing a set of behaviours, attitudes, and values that are essential for providing high-quality patient care and maintaining the integrity of the medical profession. It goes beyond clinical knowledge and technical skills and reflects the commitment to ethical conduct, empathy, and accountability in all aspects…
C2: Clinical Skills
Clinical Skills competency refers to the ability of medical professionals to perform a range of clinical procedures and techniques with precision, accuracy, and proficiency.
C1: Medical Knowledge
Medical Knowledge competency is typically assessed through written examinations, clinical assessments, and standardised tests like the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or other national medical licensing exams in different countries.