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Category: Canada: Yes
Unless indicated otherwise, Medical degrees obtained from these medical schools are acceptable to the provincial/territorial medical regulatory authorities in Canada, and therefore acceptable to all medical organizations in Canada.
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
MD.SG.001 1e Kent Ridge Road NUHS Tower Block, Level 11 Singapore 119228 Singapore
University of Thessalia Faculty of Medicine
MD.GR.007 Panepistimiou 3 Biopolis, 41500 Larissa Greece
Demokritos University of Thrace Department of Medicine
MD.GR.005 Dragana Campus Alexandroupolis 681 00 Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Medical School
MD.GR.002 University Campus 54124 Thessaloniki Greece
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine
MD.GR.001 75 Mikras Asias Street Goudi 11527 Athens Greece
Yerevan Gladzor University Faculty of Medicine
MD.AM.008 7/1 Grigor Lusavorich Street Yerevan 0015 Armenia
Armenian-Russian International University ‘Mkhitar Gosh’
MD.AM.006 3/7 Sebastia Street Shahumyan, Yerevan 0065 Armenia
Armenian Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine
MD.AM.0.002 Titogradyan Street 14 Erebuni Medical Center Yerevan Armenia
Yerevan State Medical University Named for Mkhitar Heratsi
MD.AM.0.001 2 Koryun str. Yerevan, 0025 Armenia
Windsor University School of Medicine
Windsor University School of Medicine MD.KN.003 1621 Brighton’s Estate, Cayon St. Kitts, West Indies
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Faculty of Medicine
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Faculty of Medicine. MD.BG.006 1 Koziak Street 1407 Sofia Bulgaria
Trakia University Faculty of Medicine
Trakia University Faculty of Medicine. MD.BG.005 11 Armejska Street Stara Zagora 6000 Bulgaria
Pleven Medical University
Pleven Medical University. MD.BG.004 1 St. Kliment Ohridski St. Pleven 5800 Bulgaria
Medical University ‘Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov’ Varna Faculty of Medicine
Medical University ‘Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov’ Varna Faculty of Medicine. MD.BG.003 55 Marin Drinov Str. 9002 Varna Bulgaria
Medical University of Plovdiv Faculty of Medicine
Medical University of Plovdiv Faculty of Medicine. MD.BG.002 15a Vassil Aprilov Street 4002 Plovdiv Bulgaria